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6 Time-saving Secrets for Busy Event Planners

For every event planner, the most important thing in their work is time-saving. With time-saving options event planners can work more effectively, focus on their objectives and organize. Working as an event planner is not easy, you must know how to use your time wisely. In this article, we give you 6 time-saving secrets that will help while planning events.

1.Start Early

Having an event has so many activities; it takes more than finding venue or contacting speakers. If you want your event to be successful it’s very important to give yourself more time before the event. Last minute events can go out of control. The extra time gives you options to be more creative and flexible to change things. So, start planning early and you can be prepared for any kind of situation at your event.

2.Focus on the Priority

Every event planner has a million things to worry about. Focusing on priority things is a skill that you must have. Set your goals and make a clear schedule of what needs to be done. Also, be realistic about your schedule and set logical deadlines for the activities. Moreover, it’s very important to stay flexible and be able to re-prioritize if something it’s going to change.


If you want to be a good event planner, you need to know how to delegate tasks. Your tasks will be numerous, so you will need to delegate them. By sharing your activities with your team, you will eliminate an enormous amount of stress and save time. You should delegate all routine work and specialized activities, so you can focus on more important tasks.

4.Find Volunteers

Having volunteers to help with your event it’s a very good option. You need to make a list of potentials and find a way to recruit volunteers. Also, you should prepare them for all activities and how to deal with the problems that can show during your event. With finding volunteers you can delegate part of your activities, save money and time.


Like an event, you need to make sure everything is running smoothly. It’s very important to set deadlines and remind your team. Find some interesting ways to send a reminder to your team about their activities. Doing this will help you to save time and everyone to do their task on time. Having sent all reminders gives you the big picture of planning your event.

6.Detailed Schedule

Building schedule it’s the key element to every event. You need to prepare a detailed schedule and give attention to every small detail. Also, present your schedule to your team and be open to their opinions. Having a well-prepared schedule can help you to save time and not forget something.